Our Approach

At Squar Milner, we’re an outstanding accounting firm — and yet, we’re fun, interesting people.

We not only have incredibly talented people who take impeccable care of our clients, but we have created a culture of trust, respect, and interdependence. We believe great service starts with taking care of our employees, who in turn will be happy, productive, and take great care of YOU.


Steven Blatt is a Partner in Squar Milner’s Business Management Services Practice. He is experienced in all phases of business management, estate and tax planning, real estate, and sophisticated investment strategies and wealth preservation techniques for high net worth individuals. Steve specializes in serving the needs of professional athletes, actors and high net worth individuals. He understands the unique challenges faced by the entertainment and sports industries. He works with his clients to develop strategic plans to help them meet their short and long-term financial goals.

Visit Steven Blatt’s company webpage.

Steven Blatt, CPA

ax: 310.826.9188